We offer about wrought iron, ceiling, rolling door, Construction Meterial Trading, wallpaper, glass, in phnom penh, Cambodia.

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Construction Meterial Trading in phnom penh

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1.History Company


-103 New Production Group Plc. was established in August 08/1989, to keep up with the process of integrating into the world economy, as well as meet the market of domestic and international, expansion to date 103 New Production Group Plc. have grown in size, manpower, infrastructure, public technology as well as financial resources and constantly growing.


-103 New Production Group Plc. has many main interior product lines as wrought Iron, wallpaper, glass, plaster ceiling, aluminum rolling door, Marble & Granite, E&C, Coffee & Restaurant,…. and many branch, local & oversea company. Over the years, 103 brands have become synonymous with beauty, durability, and excellence.

-103 New Production Group Plc. Now has about 10,000 m2 of production & storage area, with team more than 50 staff including Master, Architect, Engineer and more 150 skills workers and experienced professionals with passion, creativity and sense of responsibility.

3. Structure Company



4. Vision


5.Head Office

No. 86, Norodom Blvd,Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Tel : (+855) 23 212 103
Fax : (+855) 23 996 827
E-mail : newproduction@103npt.com.kh
Website : www.103npt.com.kh